Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gas and Water

So since Judiaann and I both love to cook we wanted gas at the house. That meant running a line since it didn't exist. That meant getting a new hot water heater since the credit would almost pay for the heater. It was quite the dog and pony show when the gas crew showed up to put the line in to the house. They even used a dowsing wire to find the gas line. I kid you not. Anyway that allowed us to get a tankless heater which would work with the larger soaking tub we're putting in. In addition we're putting in some hot and cold water hose bibs so that we can fill the kids pool with warm water and wash motorcycles and bicycles with warm water as well. Nice!

Pex is fun to run but replacing the entire houses water system has really taken time. I have nothing to gauge from so I always think it will go faster. It never does. Big surprise.

In addition to the fun of the gas we also discovered that our water main was leaking under the house. Sort of good to find it now but not really something else I wanted to add to the plate.

Here's the third trench to get gas to the house. Lot of work for a good flame. 

This is some of the Pex being run - here to the laundry sink which is a new addition. 

This is the Pex manifold system. Almost there.

The tankless heaters venting and the lower bathroom vent (previously just vented into the wall...)

Here's the final Pex manifold and tankless heater - this was very satisfying to do!

A giant trench for a new 1" water main to the house. 

Inspected and then we covered it up. 

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