Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bath Two - Me Won

Can you tell I used to work at a newspaper? I loved writing headlines. So onto the upper bath. At this point we're almost caught up but here's the past few weeks in a nut shill.

Deciding that I wanted to float the bath cabinet because it's a cleaner look, and well, let's be honest,  because I want to get a Roomba vacuum and therefore eliminate all impediments to it's progress and eventual world domination. That thought met head on with the weight of the stupid sink we got at Ikea which I chose because it was sleek and actual porcelain instead of the easy to scratch plastic. It's actually a very nice sink but it necessitated some serious prep.

I had to open up the finished drywall and block out the entire wall behind the sink. I have no idea why I didn't do this before but it was probably because I never anticipated floating the sink. I can see how these sort of mid stream concept changes can cost a client a lot of money but since I'm both the contractor and the client I simply berate myself and then take more time.

The box is coming along nicely. It's built so well and barely moves now in it's new home.

While we're using an Ikea sink we're using very nice, super sleek and beautifully high end Hansgroe faucets since their the things you handle all the time. Trouble is that the drains for them are rather deep with the remote stoppers and to use them would take up almost all of the storage of the vanity. Oh, perish the thought! So I did what any normal person would do: I took the drain down to my shop and cut the parts on my lathe and proceeded to reengineer them to be much shorter.

Finally, in the end, I had to concede defeat. While I was able to make the drains work and made them much shorter they were no match for the slick and low profile drains that Ikea came up with. I threw in the towel (ha!) and used their drain so as to be able to keep the originally designed four drawers which are very much needed. Remember, I came from NYC and lived in a 400sq/ft apartment in the East Village so I'm all about using every last inch of space if it's there. Much like a hunter I will not let any space in this house go to waste.

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